Couples Counseling

The average couple waits 5-7 years (!) before seeking couples therapy after their probelms have started. Don't be that couple! Make an appointment today. Even if your spouse/partner won't come, there might be some things you can do on your own to help improve the relationship.

Would you like to...

  • Improve your communication?
  • Learn better listening skills?
  • Stop avoiding "hot button" topics?
  • Stop yelling and screaming?
  • Talk about problems without becoming defensive?
  • Get past an affair or other betrayal of trust?
  • Forgive and move on?

All couples go through tough times. This is a normal part of life's ups and downs. Many couples remain deeply committed to each other while still wondering why their relationship has become more of a chore than a joy. This can actually be a great time of self-exploration and growth as a couple. Turn to a trusted professional who can help you to reaffirm your commitment to each other, work through roadblocks and conflicts, and re-instill the fun and joy in the relationship.

I am very effective at helping couples identify what the problems are, and where they are going wrong in their communication and conflict resolution. I have an understanding and friendly approach, yet I am also very direct and can quickly zone in on what the issues are, and how to fix them. I won't just listen to the partners rehash their arguments in my office; I believe in giving couples concrete solutions and learn new skills to improve their relationship. 

Before coming in to their first session, I have couples complete an online assessment through Prepare/Enrich, which identifies the problems areas, and gives us a lot of information about your personalities and how you interact together. The assessment costs $35, which is well worth it for the information gained.  I am a certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator, which means I have received additional instruction on helping couples. I also have training in John and Julie Gottman's couples therapy and use some Gottman techniques.  Further, I have training in David and Deborah Woodsfellow techniques, so I have a breadth of knowledge to pass on to couples.

If you and your partner find that you argue frequently, yell or name-call during arguments, avoid discussing difficult subjects, become defensive, have difficulty listening to each other, or are unable to forgive, it is crucial that you get help soon. Divorce/breakup is a difficult and often devastating solution. There are emotional, financial, physical and family consequences for divorce. A few weeks or months of couples therapy is a lot less costly than a divorce.  I encourage you to start sooner rather than later, because each day you wait is one more day of pain, unhappiness and the chance for unresolved issues to become irreparable problems. Call or email today: 678-209-1348 or [email protected] .

I am a Certified Prepare/Enrich Couples Facilitator, which is used to help premarital couples get the right start, and established couples to renew and improve their relationship. I work with couples who are committed to making their relationship closer and happier. Call me to find out how couples therapy can benefit your relationship!